
Netherlands (Utrecht) | Industry & Life Science | noraplan® signa acoustic

Danone Innovation Centre

This life sciences innovation centre, which opened in 2013, is dedicated to developing new product concepts for Early Life and Medical Nutrition. At the forefront of innovation in the life sciences and product technology, it develops formulas with health benefits for vulnerable consumers with specialized nutritional needs, such as pregnant women, infants, young children, the elderly and patients.


Find a durable and sustainable flooring solution for the new research centre that helps to get a four star BREEAM certificate, but provides at the same time a good underfoot comfort and an excellent acoustics in an open work environment.

Data and facts

Building Danone Innovation Centre, Utrecht
Owner Danone, Netherlands
Contruction management Erkamp projectservice B.V., Heiloo
Market Segment Industry & Life Science
Products noraplan® signa acoustic
Architect architectenbureau cepezed b.v., Delft, und N-Interieurarchitecten, Maastricht, Niederlande
Installation Year 2013


noraplan® signa acoustic

For high footfall sound absorption with a footfall sound absorption improvement of 20 dB.

More references

German Football Museum

Germany (Dortmund)
noraplan® sentica, noraplan® stone, noraplan® uni | Public Buildings

In late October 2015, the German Football Museum was opened in Dortmund. The Germans’ favourite sport is presented in emotionally appealing and vivid settingson about 7,000 square metres of exhibition area.

Meyer + Harre Interiors Design

Germany (Berlin )
noraplan® unita, nora® nTx | Industry & Life Science

A new flooring in the shortest of times: Thanks to the new fast installation system nora nTx from nora systems, work could again resume at Meyer + Harre Interiors Design’s Berlin office just a few hours after the start of renovation.

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