Subfloor preparation

Filler, primer, adhesive

The subfloor preparation measures described here are subject to the DIN 18365 technical code of practice. The technical knowledge, recommendations and experience of the respective manufacturers of fillers and adhesives for our floorings have been summarised in these recommendations. These subfloor preparation measures are non-binding and are subject to express written confirmation for the respective building by the manufacturers of the listed products.

Subfloor Preparation

General notes:

  • The manufacturers' processing guidelines, our floor laying instructions and, where applicable, the information given in the hazardous substances ordinance are to be observed when working with adhesives and ancillary materials as well as the floorings.
  • Neither the manufacturer/supplier of the adhesives and ancillary materials nor the manufacturer/supplier of the floor covering have an influence on proper workmanship or whether the guidelines of DIN 18 365 have been observed. For this reason no guarantee can be given for the work results.
  • Responsibility for the proper quality of the adhesives and ancillary materials as well as the floorings lies with the respective manufacturers. With regards to warranty, please refer to the contractual arrangements with the suppliers together with the terms of delivery and payment.
  • The combing recommended by the adhesive manufacturers is intended for a normal underlying surface. Special surfaces may require a different combing. Please heed the manufacturers' recommendations or ask for advice.

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