Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility with nora flooring

USA | Industry & Life Science | norament® grano™

Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility

A major biopharmaceutical producer – a U.S. Food and Drug Administration Good Manufacturing Practices (FDA GMP) facility – conducts environmental testing on a daily basis, and when their 10-year-old epoxy floor started showing signs of wear, they wanted to replace it with flooring that would meet their specialized requirements. more

After months of testing through a pilot installation in which employees sent the flooring through simulated rigors of the environment to test its durability and stain resistance, facility officials chose norament® grano to outfit their space. One major advantage that nora initially offered was the ability to install the new rubber floor covering directly over the old epoxy floor. Additionally, the floor’s dirt repellant, low-maintenance surface protects against residual staining and responds exceedingly well to the harsh disinfectants common to a clean room environment.

Data and facts

Building Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility
Market Segment Industry & Life Science
Products norament® grano™
Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility in the United States with nora GMP flooring
biopharmaceutical GMP facility flooring norament grano
Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing flooring solution from nora systems
GMP Manufacturing Facility choose nora flooring
Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility after refurbishment with nora flooring
Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility with flooring norament grano
Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility with flooring norament grano


norament® grano™

Rubber flooring for extremely heavy traffic areas, with hammered surface and a granular design rich in contrast.

More references

Luminex Corporation

USA (Austin, TX)
norament® grano™ | Industry & Life Science

Provide durability, low-maintenance and other high-performance properties to maximize workplace efficiency in a laboratory setting.

Global Instrument and Software Technology Company

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Outfit a new industrial facility that handles sensitive technologies with optimal electrostatic-dissipative flooring, which also offers ease of maintenance and safety benefits.

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Mexico (Jalisco)
norament® grano™ | Industry & Life Science

Identify a floor covering that complies with the strict requirements of a pharmaceutical facility, including resistance to micro-organism activity, durability, ease of maintenance and stain resistance.

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