On angled, straight stairs, look to norament stairtreads. The all-in-one nosing, tread and riser makes installation simple and efficient. They are installed with nora® stepfix™ 240 double-sided tape – an immediate trafficking solution for an all-around fast turnover.
The pre-formed stair coverings are available in four designs and three different widths. They can also be equipped with a range of visually impaired strips.
Granular design rich in contrast with a hammered surface.
Tone-on-tone granular design with a hammered surface.
Flat, direction-oriented relief structure with fine grain design and modern marbling.
Monochrome with a classic round pastille surface.
Monochrome with a hammered surface.
Monochrome with a classic round pastille surface for special fire protection requirements.
norament stairtreads and nora stair nosings can be equipped with a range of nora visually impaired strips to guide users or mark the edge of stairs in areas with safety or accessibility concerns.
For other stairwells, including spiral staircases, choose a nora stair nosing from our range of accessories to pair with your preferred noraplan® or norament® flooring.
We recommend nora® stepfix™ 240, a double-sided, full-surface adhesive installation tape for adhering norament® stairtreads and stairway installations with nora® floor coverings.