For Principal Sherri Holler, it was imperative to find flooring that supported the school’s use of flexible seating. “As part of that freedom, kids often choose the floor,” she explained. With an extremely dense and nonporous surface, rubber flooring offers hygienic benefits and chemical-free maintenance, which is especially important for creating safe and supportive learning spaces for students with allergies.
According to Royal Ferry, Greater Latrobe School District Custodial Supervisor, maintaining the rubber flooring on a daily basis has been easier than the previous facility’s vinyl composition tile (VCT) and natural stones. At the new school, the maintenance staff does not have to manage multiple flooring types with various protocols. Now, Royal’s staff can take care of the floor with a routine that is “unbelievable” compared to previous maintenance requirements. “Our staff can go in and take care of the flooring easily. It’s just one step, and it works so well,” he added.
In addition to the maintenance benefits of the school’s new flooring, Latrobe chose to make aesthetics a priority. Throughout the campus, the school’s branded colors create a cohesive design with splashes of color everywhere. “The auditorium space and everywhere else throughout the campus just looks really wonderful,” said Sherri Holler, Latrobe Elementary School principal. “I truly believe that an inviting building helps kids learn.”