Bodleian Library

United Kingdom (Oxford) | Public Buildings | noraplan® sentica, noraplan® ultra grip

Bodleian Library, Oxford University

Oxford libraries are some of the most prestigious and well known in the world, not just for the historical collections of books and manuscripts but also for the architectural history of the buildings. The Bodleian is the first library for Oxford University, opened in 1602 for the academics of the university it is one of the oldest libraries in Europe and now contains over 11 million books and manuscripts. The Social Sciences Library is the busiest and received 7,500 visitors over a nine week period. more

The reading rooms have been used for many famous scholars for generations, including kings, Nobel Prize winners, prime ministers and writers including Oscar Wilde, CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien. The new library houses a centre for Digital Scholarship, a Visiting Scholars Centre, three reading rooms, seminar rooms and study areas. Other areas including the Bodleian Café and exhibition galleries are open to the public. nora® rubber floorings were chosen for this project to provide a hard wearing, durable floor with excellent slip resistance. One winning advantage of using nora floor coverings was the exceptional sound reduction of up to 20dB that can be achieved.

Data and facts

Building Bodleian Library, Oxford University
Market Segment Public Buildings
Products noraplan® sentica, noraplan® ultra grip
Architect Wilkinson Eyre Architects
Bodleian Library
Bodleian Library


noraplan® sentica

Rubber floor covering with a changing base colour of harmoniously matched colour components.

More references

nora pastille flooring has been installed in the Bochum library since 1973

Germany (Bochum)
norament® 926 | Education

The RUB library is one of the largest university libraries in Germany.

The library as a happy place

norament® 926 grano | Education

Not obsolete, but a model of success: just a few years ago, many experts prophesied the imminent end of libraries as a result of the increasing digitalization of the media. But they couldn’t have been more wrong.

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