
Floor coverings in OP rooms and emergency rooms – ready to use around the clock

Floor coverings in operating theatres and emergency rooms must meet high standards. Experience and expertise are what it takes to fully satisfy the specific mechanical, hygienic and ergonomic requirements of OP rooms. Rubber flooring from nora systems take all these aspects into consideration to create the perfect solution. Specially developed for use in demanding areas such as operating theatres and A&E, it combines comfort, safety, hygiene and ergonomics.

noraplan sentica ed dissipative floors in the operating theatre to protect life-saving machines

nora rubber flooring for safe hygiene in the high-risk operating theatre

operating theater with nora ESD floor coverings

OP design with nora floor coverings

Operating theatre flooring – optimised for high performance

The operating theatre is a core part of any hospital. In addition to its often life-saving function, an OP room makes a significant contribution to the hospital's economic success. So it makes sense for operating theatres and emergency rooms to be ready to use around the clock and for them to have the right interior fittings to fulfil this purpose.

Furnishing highly demanding areas such as operating theatres and intensive care units requires years of experience and technical expertise. These areas, more than any other, require high-quality materials that withstand constant use and at the same time guarantee absolute hygiene in the operating theatre. Selecting the right operating theatre flooring is not only a question of patient safety, but also a decisive economic factor.

Mechanical durability is absolutely crucial, especially in areas in which heavy equipment is constantly being moved around on wheels. Robust, highly durable flooring in the operating theatre is able to evenly distribute the load exerted on a small surface area to the subfloor. Distributing the load to a larger area effectively prevents damage to the subfloor.

Absolute hygiene in the operating theatre

Alongside mechanical durability, hygiene in the operating theatre is a top priority. Selecting materials based on their hygienic properties can save lives here. When it comes to finding the right operating theatre flooring, cleaning also plays an important role in this context.

Rubber floor coverings from nora have a very dense surface. The high-quality rubber floors are extremely durable. They do not need to be coated and generally do not require grouting. This makes it much easier to clean and maintain hygiene in the operating theatre as well as in other demanding clinical environments.

Ergonomic floor coverings for modern OP rooms

Rubber floors from nora offer excellent ergonomic properties that ensure added comfort, which is especially relevant when performing lengthy operations. The permanently elastic floor relieves the strain on joints, thus preventing joint and back pain in addition to delaying the onset of fatigue, an important aspect when it comes to safety and hygiene in the operating theatre. After all, staff must be able to fully concentrate on the task at hand in these critical areas.

Thanks to the high level of ergonomic comfort they offer for both walking and standing, rubber floor coverings from nora improve the ability of the entire OP team to concentrate and perform. Durability, comfort and hygiene in the operating theatre: all these aspects were given equal consideration during development to create an operating theatre flooring that is just as capable and reliable as the medical staff themselves.

Dissipative operating theatre flooring

Electrostatically dissipative floor coverings offer effective ESD protection for sensitive, life-sustaining devices and equipment. The dissipative floor ensures that sensitive components are not damaged by electrostatic discharge, which could impair the function of the device. After all, even absolute hygiene in the operating theatre cannot help if critical equipment fails during a live-saving operation.

Dissipative floor coverings from nora offer the highest degree of safety and also protect against explosions caused by flammable gas/air mixtures. The minimum insulation resistance of the high-quality floors means that electrosurgery can be performed safely.

Suitable products

norament® 928 grano ed

Electrostatically dissipative “ed” floorings for optimum ESD protection of electronic devices and equipment. Protect against electrical shock, resist most oils and greases and are suitable for forklift truck areas.

noraplan® signa ed

Electrostatically dissipative “ed” floorings for optimum ESD protection of electronic devices and equipment. Protect against electrical shock, resist most oils and greases.

noraplan® sentica ed

Electrostatically dissipative “ed” floorings for optimum ESD protection of electronic devices and equipment. Protect against electrical shock, resist most oils and greases.


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Asklepios Klinik Nord

Germany (Hamburg-Heidberg)
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Operating rooms are the heart of a hospital - they contribute significantly to the economic success of a hospital. For this reason, they have to be ready for operation around the clock.

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New build Klinikum Crailsheim

Germany (Crailsheim)
noraplan® signa | Healthcare

Institutes are coming under pressure - whereas the one side sees patients clamouring for a more cosy environment, the other side must satisfy growing cost and efficiency requirements.

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Texas Heart Institute

USA (Houston, TX)
noraplan® | Healthcare

Install high-performance flooring that resists stains and endures heavy equipment while providing way-finding design cues to its patients.

How to contact us
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Room Designer
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